Goal Getter package
Are you interested in Our CEO PACKAGE WEBSITE? Dont have the time to take photos of your products or create mock ups ? Then this package is for you ! developed website giving you that aesthetic with graphics & multiple pages? Booking this service will allow you to jumpstart your business, build trust & your creditability in potential customers. What's Included
What’s included:
- Up to 5 Full page designs - Full Page Layouts, depending on your selection (Homepage, FAQ, Contact, About Me, Policies, etc -
- The choice of Photos taken of your products up to 10
- with background of your choice
- Or mock ups up to 7
- 2 videos
- 2 free months of maintenance
- - product upload for up to 25 products ( add ons if needed more )
- Graphic Banners, Slideshows and/or Decorated Photos. -
Video banners
- Full Integration Of Social Media Links, Contact Form, Booking Page
- Mobile Compatibility
- Website video for launch
- Tech support for up to 14 days after completion
- SMS Setup and design of sms &email pop up automated emails/ triggers (This can also be applied for text messages)
• 1 mobile and 1 desktop popup.
- Shopify account login information (i will provide you with a invite to grant access / Domain setup and login information
- A Monthly Plan (this can be monthly or annually). If you need help with this, please let me know.
- Do NOT send information hand-written by you. Wording must include all product names, pricing and descriptions. You must also provide page tab setup, shipping prices, all policies, FAQs and About information.
- Photos for slideshows, banners and products.
-Must have HIGH RESOLUTION Images and transparent png logo
-This service does not include domain and hosting fees; they are required to be paid separately and prior to website customization.
What’s included:
- Tech support for up to 14 days after completion
- SMS Setup and design of sms &email pop up automated emails/ triggers (This can also be applied for text messages)
- • 1 mobile and 1 desktop popup.
• Integration into your Shopity website
• Setup and verification of 4 flows with a maximum of 2 -
what is sms marketing ?
increased revenue, increased conversion rates, boosted engaged from your shoppers & so much more!What's included?
- sms platform
- building your subscriber list
- building funnels
- creating sms & email campaigns
- creating automations
- building flows
- creating lists & segments
- creating engaging pop-ups
- policies
- • 1 mobile and 1 desktop popup.
Once a product is shipped out and noted "delivered" we are no longer reliable for any stolen or lost packages. You will need to contact the delivery carrier directly for any questions or concerns. You may check the status of your order through the confirmation email you received upon placing an order at our store. We will not offer refunds nor exchanges for any stolen or lost packages.